The funds for refunds are deducted from your available balance. If you don’t have enough available balance to cover a refund, we’ll queue the refund until you make a top-up or receive a payment that increases your balance.
What you need to know in advance
It may take a few days to top up your balance depending on the payment method you choose:
- iDEAL, Bancontact or Sofort: Added to your balance immediately.
- Bank transfers: Up to 2 business days after the transfer before the amount appears in your balance.
- Credit card: Up to 5 business days before the amount is added to your balance.
Topping up your balance
- In your Mollie dashboard, make sure you have issued the refund.
Go to either:
- Home,
- Balance or
- Transactions > Refunds.
- You will see a notification in yellow at the top of your screen specifying the insufficient balance amount on your account. Click on top up.
Select a payment method and pay the top-up amount. This amount can be changed upwards and includes:
- Refund costs
- Top-up costs (only for credit card).
After you top up your balance, we’ll automatically process your queued refunds.
Removing a refund from the queue
- Go to Transactions > Refunds.
- Select the refund and click Cancel.
- Choose Confirm.