What is a minimum monthly invoice?
Due to the rising costs of maintaining accounts in higher-risk industries, Mollie can apply, in accordance with Mollie’s User Agreeme...
What are the costs on my Invoice?
Your invoice details your Mollie costs from the previous month and contains two sections: A summary of the previous month's fees A d...
Where can I find my invoice?
A new invoice is available on the first business day every month. We won't generate an invoice if no costs were charged in the previo...
How do gift cards payments show on my invoice?
We charge €0,25 for gift card payments. When a stacked payment is made, which means another payment method is used to pay the additio...
Where can I find invoice corrections?
You may see an amount next to ‘corrections’ on an invoice. Invoice corrections are used when, for example, you should receive a partn...