How do I manage Klarna disputes?

When a customer is dissatisfied with their order, they can contact Klarna to open a dispute. Any active disputes can be found in the Disputes section in the Klarna Merchant Portal.


What you need to know in advance

You can take steps to prevent disputes and improve customer satisfaction.


Klarna disputes process

If a customer raises a dispute, Klarna will pause the invoice on their order and notify you that you have an open dispute. It’s recommended that you activate your Klarna Merchant Portal account to receive notifications through the Disputes app.

From there, Klarna will give you 21 days (or none for unauthorised purchases) to contact your customer and resolve the dispute. If you do not respond to the dispute, the case will be escalated to Klarna and you’ll be charged a dispute fee. You may also receive a chargeback for the order.


What is the Klarna dispute fee?

Klarna charges a fee when you haven’t resolved a dispute within 21 days and the case is escalated to Klarna to resolve. You can avoid this charge by resolving the dispute with your customer before it is escalated to Klarna.

The fee is charged retroactively. You may also receive additional charges if your dispute rate exceeds a certain threshold.

Type of dispute fee Applicability Costs
Standard Applicable for all disputes escalated to Klarna
  • AT, DE, ES, IT, FR, BE, NL, IE, FI, PRT, GR: €25,-
  • UK: £25,-
Elevated Applicable when your dispute rate exceeds 1.5% Additional charges up to €30,-


When does Klarna get involved?

The fastest way to resolve a Klarna dispute is to reach out to your customer and try to come to an agreement. If you can't resolve the issue with your customer within the given time frame (14-21 days), Klarna will get involved. 

First, they’ll contact your customer to understand the reason for the dispute. If they believe the dispute is valid, Klarna will contact you for more information and make a final decision. 

  • If the decision is in your favour, Klarna will reactivate your customer’s invoice, and they'll need to pay for their order.
  • If they decide against you or you don’t respond, you'll receive a chargeback for the disputed order. The paid amount will be returned to the customer. 


Good to know

In the Klarna Merchant portal,go to Disputes App > Email Settings > Notifications to change the notification and reminder settings about new and ongoing disputes.


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