Website profile
What information needs to be on my website?
When you sign up to work with Mollie, we ask you for your website to understand more about your business. As a financial services pro...
I don’t have a website. How do I create a website profile?
When you create a new account or add a new organisation, we ask you to add a website profile. If you don’t have a website because you...
How do I connect Mollie to my website?
After you create an account, you’ll need to integrate our payment services into your website. How you do this will depend on the syst...
Can I use the same API key for multiple websites?
Unfortunately, you can't use the same API key for multiple websites. When you want to use our payment system for another website, you...
What is an API key?
An API key is a unique code for the API between your Mollie account and another website. With this key, the API recognises the user. ...
Can I add or change a website profile?
If you have multiple websites for your company, you can add up to 100 website profiles to your Mollie account. These websites must be...