How can I maximise my Capital offers?

If you process sales using other payment solutions, you can share this financial data to maximise your offers during the Mollie Capital application process.


How does it work?

During the Capital application process, you can securely connect your bank account to Mollie. We'll ask you to connect the bank account you use for your Mollie payouts, guiding you through the process with clear instructions. Our partner YouLend will analyse your transaction data to identify inbound payments from other payment service providers and platforms.

Once your account is connected and you request your Capital offer, YouLend analyses all your revenue data – including sales processed with Mollie and other payment processing solutions –  to calculate how much Capital you’re eligible for. YouLend will send you your tailored offers within 24 hours.


Who is Plaid?

If you connect your bank, you might notice that the feature is supported by Plaid. They are a leading open banking platform that allows us to securely connect with your bank account to process your Capital offers.


Is it safe to connect my bank account?

Plaid ensures that your sensitive information is protected using industry-leading encryption and security protocols. To learn more about Plaid's approach to data privacy, view their privacy policy.


Can I disconnect my bank account?

Yes, it's possible to disconnect your bank account at any time. 

  1. Click on your organisation in the top left and go to organisation settings
  2. Go to Bank account
  3. Click the delete icon next to the connected account
  4. Confirm your request