How do I make a repayment for Capital funding?

After you accept an offer of Capital funding, you will need to repay the total amount of the offer plus a flat fee. You do not need to pay any interest or extra fees. 


What is the repayment rate?

We will automatically collect repayment from the available balance on your Mollie account. You will be given a repayment rate as part of your Capital offer. This rate is fixed and is collected as a percentage of your daily revenue. This way, you repay more on busy days and repay less when business slows down.

For example, if your repayment rate is 20% and you make €1.000,- in daily revenue on a given day, then €200,- will be collected as repayment for that day.


When am I expected to repay the amount?

When accepting a Capital offer, you will be shown an expected payback period. This payback period is estimated based on your trading history and expected sales volume. If it appears that your repayments will not be able to match the expected payback period, we may contact you to understand your business situation and work with you to find an appropriate solution.


Can I make additional payments?

No, you cannot make additional payments or repay the amount in full. Your repayment will be automatically collected from your available balance.


How can I top up my Capital funding?

When you’ve made repayments for at least 55% of your current funding, we’ll notify you by email if you’re eligible for a top up of your current funding amount. To be eligible for top ups, your business should meet the standard eligibility requirements, and must have been repaying previous Capital funding at the expected repayment rate without disruptions. You’ll be invited to apply for the top up in your Mollie Dashboard.

Do you have a question about Capital? Feel free to contact our Capital Support team.


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